If your drywall has a crack, and this can happen for a number of reasons, don't panic. You can fix it your self in some easy steps that I will show you. But let's go over some reasons, that can cause your drywall to crack. Your home settling is one cause, so check around corners of your doors and windows or where columns support your beams. Your walls can even get cracks from moving your furniture, or from the kids or even a quest to your home. Your don't need to be a skilled drywall professional to repair these cracks, just a little know how. And with my tips you will see your finished work in a few days.
Lets begin your repair project. First make sure you have all your materials ready. Then begin to prepare your room by removing or covering anything of value. Drop cloths or old sheets will work just fine for this.
The next step is to take a utility knife and run it through your crack to remove the loose particles.
Widen your crack about 1/8 inch almost through the drywall. Carve it out so it is clean.
This will help to eliminate having residue on your new surface. When your area is clean, it will then be time to apply your compound. Take and load your putty knife with compound, and with a sweeping of the knife go back and forth over the crack. Force any compound on your knife into the crack with strong strokes. Your putty knife will bend if the pressure is right. Then remove any excess with the same putty knife. You will lay several coats of compound until it is built up to a smooth flush surface layer. But between each layer you must let the compound dry.
In twenty four hours your drywall compound should be dry. Now it is time to sand with with a 150 grit sandpaper, until you smooth out the area. Make sure you have no ridges or bumps, but not over sanding at the same time. Feel your wall as you sand, if it is smooth to the touch you have done enough sanding.
When you are done with sanding, your repair is done. Now comes the clean up, and dust removal so you can paint your new wall area. Before painting use a primer over the area, when dry paint to match your room.
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