Saturday, September 03, 2011

Flooded Basements

    If you have a basement that gets a light seepage or gets a foot of water at times, here is a DIY dry it out tip.

    You will want to hose your basement floor down once all the water is gone. I know, the last thing you want to see in the basement is more water. But trust me, you want to rid your basement floor of dirt or sewer that has accumulated there. When doing this, squirt towards your drain. The next step is to mop up the floor using a good disinfectant, especially for sewer backups. Get a squeegee for floors and start directing any water once again towards your drain. Make sure to check low points on the floor for any remaining water. Next get your self some fans, and start to dry the basement up. Open windows in order to get a cross breeze. Last step, start the dehumidifier, this will remove water out of the air and help dry the basement as well.